AAUW International Relations Events – 2018-2019 Year
Chair: Rose Mary Rommel Toebbe Place: Treyton Oak Towers
Coffee is at 10:30 am with Program at 11:00 am to noon. Lunch is optional at noon in Dining Hall.
For Lunch reservations at $10.00 per person inclusive, call Lawrence Toebbe by Monday at 459-6119.
Please Note All Meetings are the First Wednesday of the month.
October 3, 2018: “HOW OLD LOUISVILLE HAS CHANGED IN 24 YEARS” speaker Deborah Stewart.
Ms. Stewart is a Realtor and knows the area well since she has lived in Old Louisville for 24 years.
She has many entertaining stories to tell.
November 7, 2018: “MID-TERM ELECTIONS – BLUE WAVE OR NOT” speaker Roy Martin.
Roy, a political consultant, is back to give his views on the previous elections. If it was to your liking or not, Roy remains one of our favorite speakers. Come and hear Roy and ask questions.
December 5, 2018: “PRISONER HOPE” speakers Darrell & Tiffany Davis.
The speakers are doing good work by starting a program which has reached 85 families by giving prisoners job skills, helping them find work, and securing suitable housing. Come hear about their great work.
February 6, 2019: “THE HILL SISTERS AND LOUISVILLE KINDERGARTEN” speaker Ann Taylor Allen.
Dr. Allen, who taught history at the University of Louisville, will tell the “back story” of the song and of two Louisville women who created the most widely known music in the world. You will hear facts you did not know before this presentation.
March 6, 2019: “GEORGE ROGERS CLARK” speaker Jim Holmberg.
Jim, one of our favorite speakers from the Filson Club Historical Society, will tell you everything you always wanted to know about George Rogers Clark – his life, his campaign, etc., etc., etc.
April 3, 2019: “HATS AND HORSES” speaker Vivian Farrell.
With the Kentucky Derby just around the corner, Vivian will be talking about the history of hats and horses. She is the founding Pesident of the Horse Fund and creator the the cartoon “Hattington Horse”.
May 1, 2019: “FAMOUS FAMILIES OF LOUISVILLE” speaker Steve Wiser.
Learn more about the Breckinridges, Caldwells, Speeds, Clarks, Binghams and several other families by noted historian and nationally recognized architect, Steve Wiser. We are fortunate to have Steve with us each year giving a program with excellent commentary and slides.
June 5, 2019: “POLITICS OF GLOBAL WARMING” speaker Dr. Rodger Payne.
The science of climate change world-wide and in the U.S. is discussed by a Professor of Political Science at the University of Louisville.